So the GUY and I decided one night on a whim, after cruising ol' Route 9 and noticing the plethora of fine and questionable establishments, to launch a great endeavour. I've been pining away for my North Shore haunts and the awesome music that inhabits some of them. There is a jewelled necklace that starts in Salem and stretches to Cape Ann, with on occasional gold clasp in Newburyport. Alas, so far the Metro West bracelet appears to be made of nickel and plastic. Yet I just have this inkling that there's a few sapphires to be found.
The project? To visit each bar in the biggest town in the Commonwealth and offer sage but smarmy advice on its worthiness. I currently have no idea how many that is, but so far the task looks overwhelming, exciting, and pretty scary. However, I consider this a public service, drinking for a cause. My little wallet is going to draw out this project over a long time, so check back once in a while to get the dish on the shots and high notes found in Southern Middlesex County.